The first stage of Emotional Alchemy is laying a strong foundation.
6 week self-paced online training
If you want to build a strong, safe building which will last for years, it must have a solid foundation. Emotional management and transformation involve a combination of theory and practice. The EA level one training teaches the necessary theory for laying a strong foundation, upon which further EA levels are built. The information in this module will revolutionize the way you think about and understand emotions, and sets the stage for learning how to self-process negative emotions from your body-mind.
In the EA level one Foundation Training you will study:
- Emotional Intelligence
(the deeper purpose of emotions - they are not random - rather they are deeply intelligent and are sent for a purpose)
- Emotional Awareness
(how to know what you are feeling so that emotions don't get unconsciously stored, building up to become anxiety, depression and even sickness)
- Emotional Meaning (the hidden purpose of emotions to keep you happy, healthy and safe)
- Emotional Needs
(how unmet and undermet emotional needs from childhood drive all your adulthood emotional pain and illness)
- Multiple Brain Intelligence
(if you are not using your 3 brains, you are only using 30% of your total intelligence, which is why you end up with life problems. Learn how to use all 3 brains)
- Emotional Brain Relays
(The 4 emotional protective themes in your brain which keep you safe and maintain health)
- Stress and Emotions
(Understanding how stress and emotions are intimately connected and how to become emotionally literate in order to stay happy and healthy)
- 5 Elemental Cycle of Emotions
(How different organs create and store different emotions, and how these toxic feelings affect your physical and mental health)
And much more!
This level of training is jam-packed with 50+ lessons and tutorials which are carefully 'time-released' in a progressive order to maintain clarity of learning and avoid information overwhelm. You can take a fun quiz at the end of each section to test your knowledge retention.